Quel est le meilleur bois pour votre poêle a bois ?
à bois

What is the best wood for your wood stove?

Wood has been the natural choice of fuel for domestic fires since its first use several millennia ago. Nowadays, we are able to distinguish the best wood and fuel for our homes.

bois de chauffageLes poêles à bois sont-ils écologiques ?

Are wood stoves eco-friendly?

Requested by: Eric Durand, Haute-Savoie: Hello, I would like to know if wood stoves were harmful to the planet or not?

augmenter le rendement de mon poêle à boisinterdit de bruler dans un poele a bois

10 things not to burn in a wood stove ⎮ ECO FIRE

We've compiled a list of 10 things you should never burn in a wood stove .

à boisPoele a bois salon

Everything you need to know about wood stoves

Everything you want to know about wood stoves can be found here...